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LEGOLAND Discovery Centre & LEGO Store Birmingham

Atracción | Birmingham | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

El LEGOLAND Discovery Centre & LEGO Store Birmingham es una de las atracciones familiares más populares en Birmingham, Inglaterra, y ofrece una experiencia única en interiores para fans de LEGO de todas las edades. Esta atracción está ubicada en el corazón de la ciudad y forma parte de la Utilita Arena Birmingham, un lugar central y de fácil acceso. El LEGOLAND Discovery Centre está dirigido principalmente a niños de entre tres y diez años, y combina áreas de juego interactivas, atracciones y actividades creativas que estimulan la imaginación y fomentan la construcción. Es el parque de juegos LEGO definitivo, que se enfoca tanto en el entretenimiento como en la educación, mientras que la tienda de LEGO adjunta ofrece una amplia gama de productos para los fans que desean llevar su pasión a casa.

El origen del LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Birmingham se encuentra en la popularidad mundial de la marca LEGOLAND, operada por Merlin Entertainments. La versión de Birmingham fue diseñada para ofrecer una experiencia independiente del clima, a diferencia de los parques temáticos al aire libre más grandes como LEGOLAND Windsor. Desde su apertura, el centro se ha convertido en una parte integral de las opciones de entretenimiento de la ciudad, con un enfoque en la identidad regional a través de la integración de elementos locales. Está diseñado para permitir a las familias disfrutar de una excursión de medio día, con una duración típica de la visita de aproximadamente dos a tres horas.

El centro ofrece una variedad de atracciones basadas en temas de LEGO. Las principales atracciones incluyen dos atracciones: "Kingdom Quest", un juego interactivo de láser en el que los visitantes viajan en pequeños carros a través de un mundo LEGO medieval y disparan a objetivos para rescatar a una princesa, y "Merlin's Apprentice", una atracción en la que los participantes pueden controlar la altura de su "mágico" paseo mediante pedaleo. Ambas están especialmente diseñadas para niños más pequeños y ofrecen una experiencia suave y entretenida sin demasiada emoción. "Miniland" es otro punto destacado, una impresionante maqueta que representa Birmingham y los alrededores de los Midlands con más de 1.5 millones de piezas de LEGO. Aquí se reproducen fielmente lugares emblemáticos como la Biblioteca de Birmingham, el Bullring y el Castillo de Warwick, a menudo con elementos interactivos como luces que simulan un ciclo día-noche.

Además de las atracciones, hay numerosas zonas de juegos y construcción que fomentan la creatividad. El área "Construir y Probar" invita a construir y probar vehículos o edificaciones en pistas de prueba, mientras que los "Talleres Creativos" son dirigidos por experimentados constructores de modelos de LEGO que enseñan a los visitantes nuevas técnicas de construcción. Para los niños más pequeños, hay una zona DUPLO con piezas más grandes y un área de juegos suave LEGO City, que permite trepar, deslizarse y jugar en un entorno inspirado en LEGO. Un cine 4D complementa la oferta con cortometrajes que utilizan efectos especiales como viento, agua y niebla para sumergir a los espectadores en las historias, una experiencia que entusiasma especialmente a los niños.

El LEGO Store, accesible tanto para los visitantes del Centro de Descubrimiento como para invitados externos, es un paraíso para los entusiastas de LEGO. Ofrece una amplia selección de sets actuales, incluyendo temas populares como LEGO City, Star Wars y Harry Potter, así como productos exclusivos de LEGOLAND que solo se encuentran en tiendas similares. La tienda es conocida por su personal amigable, que a menudo actúa como "expertos en LEGO" y ayuda a encontrar el set o regalo perfecto. También hay oportunidades para acumular o canjear puntos Insider de LEGO, lo que hace que las compras sean especialmente atractivas para los fans leales.

El entorno del LEGOLAND Discovery Centre refleja la vibrante atmósfera de Birmingham. La atracción está cerca de otros lugares de interés como el National SEA LIFE Centre, con opciones de visita combinadas, y está rodeada por el bullicio del centro de la ciudad con sus canales y modernos edificios. El parque está diseñado para ser familiar, con senderos accesibles y comodidades como cambiadores que aumentan la comodidad para los visitantes con niños pequeños.

La importancia del LEGOLAND Discovery Centre & LEGO Store Birmingham radica en su papel como punto de encuentro creativo e interactivo para las familias. No solo ofrece entretenimiento, sino que también fomenta el desarrollo de habilidades como resolución de problemas y trabajo en equipo a través de la construcción en juego. El enfoque en elementos locales en Miniland también fortalece el vínculo con la ciudad y hace que la visita sea una experiencia orgullosa para los habitantes de Birmingham. Ya sea disfrutando de las atracciones, admirando los detalles en Miniland o explorando en la tienda, esta atracción ofrece una experiencia LEGO completa que estimula la imaginación y celebra la versatilidad de estos icónicos bloques de construcción.

Datos de contacto



Arena, LEGOLAND Discovery Centre, Utilita
B16 8AE Birmingham

Vista de mapa


Domingo9:30 - 16:30
Lunes10:30 - 14:30
Martes10:30 - 14:30
Miércoles10:30 - 14:30
Jueves10:30 - 14:30
Viernes10:30 - 14:30
Sábado9:30 - 17:30


3889 Reseñas

Maria Girlie

Your not allowed to enter an hour earlier than your booking especially if you have a sea life booked prior to your entrance, they should have a bit of consideration - we're wasting time especially I have long travel way home with young kids
Clare Pittaway

Fantastic for small children! We made the most of the term-time weekday offer for adult and toddler, paying just £12 for our visit which was an absolute bargain! We had our photo taken just after we entered as well as some on the shooting ride, and were able to purchase all of these in a package for just £20. This package included 2 printed photos, a keyring, a magnet and all of the photos digitally. Great value for money. There was no queue for the shooting ride and although my son was too young to grasp the concept, he loved seeing the skeletons and spiders... So much that he cried because he didn't want to get off! The lovely ladies operating the ride very kindly let us go round again because there was no queue. The room with the lego models was great, especially being of Birmingham and nearby. There is a cute tunnel for littles to crawl through and enable them to stand up in the middle of one which my toddler thought was hilarious! There was also lots of interactive buttons but quite a few didn't work unfortunately. The main room was amazing with lots to keep my son busy. There was a soft play with a slide and foam bricks, a very small under 5s soft play and then a larger soft play for 3ft-5ft children. My son got to go on all three which I was glad, as the under 5s bit would not have been enough to stimulate him despite being only 2.5. There was lots of building available in this room, with various tables to build at. It had a mix of both big duplo blocks and normal lego, so my son loved the opportunity to have a go with both. He especially liked building the cars and testing them on the ramps! The only let down of this room was the "train" area in the middle... Lots of track but no trains??? The 4D cinema was great and it was my son's first experience in a cinema environment. There was another ride in there too but my son didn't want to go on it. I particularly liked that all of the features (aside from the VR) are included in the price and that I didn't have to pay extra for anything. We decided to have lunch there and thought that was great value too. I got a panini, packet of crisps, rocky road and drink, and my son got a kids sandwich, packet of crisps, cereal bar and a drink... It was only £15! I was very shocked but pleased. Overall, we had a great day out and we would definitely come back for the £12. I don't think it would be worth it if we had paid the normal price of £25 each, despite staying for 4 hours. I also don't think it's suitable for older children, as I think they'd get bored quickly. It's best for under 5s in my opinion!
Sa A

Loved it
Khalil Parkar

Absolutely amazing place, very helpful and friendly staff. Would go there again, recommend any time.
Mike Matthews

1st time visit kids loved it
Dave Andrews

Not as bad as Cadbury World

Fun for the little ones they loved it.

Visited on a Saturday with a 7yr old. We had previously visited around 2019 with my eldest child and I was surprised to see that there is nothing new added in the 6 years between visits, it also didn't feel as though any maintenance or deep cleaning had happened in that timentoo. The place is tiny and cramped. There are several building areas but with hundreds of kids there is little space for any creative building. The whole place is filthy, the Birmingham Mini City is impressive but covered with a layer of dust over most models, interactive parts mostly not working and the glass needs a good clean. The main area has several building stations and a ramp to test cars on. Plenty of Lego to use but choice of elements are limited, staff walk around sweeping bricks (and dust) up off the floor and then tip the bricks (and dust) back in to the pots of bricks on the benches meaning you have a pot of bricks and detritus to sift through. There are alcohol hand sanitizer points around the place but none of them were full/worked. The toilets were clean enough but very tired. Toilet seats need renewing (unless they are supposed to be a lovely yellow/brown colour and not white). Unless you get a discount rate (try west Midlands trains website) then it's really poor value for money. The cafe is extortionate for what is offered, however the Costa coffee is only marginally more expensive than the high street. All in all I won't bother again.
Katie Durcan

For the price, it’s pretty disappointing. I get that it’s meant for kids, but even my 4-year-old nephew, who loves soft play, was done in minutes. The main soft play is so small you could run through it in two minutes—if you don’t hit a dead end first! 😂 Unless your children are into building random Lego creations from random bits that don't even go together, I wouldn’t recommend it. Don’t even try and move the cars as they don’t move, tricked my nephew they did. The car ramp barely had enough pieces to make a car, and the Duplo section was okay, but nothing special. The under-5 area was pretty underwhelming too. Overall, it’s definitely not the “wow” place it’s made out to be in the adverts.
Usman Khalid

Was there during kids term break, enjoyed the models section and the train ride. soft play and activity area was extremely busy and not all kids (incl. mine) enjoy too much noise and crowd. This is where you expect kids to spend maximum time and we had to rush it a bit as they were not comfortable. For the ticket price, it should be better managed and more controlled.
Keith Ridley

Neda Abuaun

Kids love legos and it was a nice place to visit during our short stay in the UK. It was a bit crowded but kids had fun
Munira Suleman

Friendly staff but sometimes very hard to find, the centre is small and feels very cramped with quite a lot to do but it was packed to the brim. My kids loved the scavenger hunt and they were able to make a tiny elephant to take home so they were happy!
Matthew Beardmore

Great if you like Lego, but unless you have small children there is not a lot to do.


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